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Industrial hose types and trend of development
The author :Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd source :Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd Published time :2011-4-21 

Industrial hose types and trend of development

Plastic composite industrial hose use convenient, economy and health sex is good, already became cosmetic, medicine and food one of the main packaging varieties. Since the 1990s, China began from Europe and America, Japan and Taiwan to introduce a lot of advanced composite production equipment, the development of industrial hose a momentum. Multilayer, thin wall and transparent plastic composite industrial hose is the future trend of development.
Whether cosmetic, medicine or food, packaging should consider above all is health performance, followed by mechanical strength, and blocking performance, printing adaptability and chemical resistance, etc. Of course, must also be considered economy and its use of convenience.
Compared with other product packaging, cosmetic packing in block water and

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