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Resin pipe type
The author :Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd source :Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd Published time :2011-4-21 

Resinduct also called "resin canal Resincanal"
Leaf contains resin pipe, also called resin pipe.
Resin canal
Has the following four: exogenous type, medium raw type, endogenous type, crack born type.
The distinction is as follows:
Exogenous type resin pipe: also called "born" type, rely on edge subepidermal cells for edge of the birth of pinus massoniana, born, for example ChiSong etc;
Inside ShengShu resin pipe fat way: resin tao and endodermis connected by vascular bundle sheath, gave birth; For example ShiDeSong;
ShengShu resin pipe in lipid way: located in mesophyll of diachyma parenchyma middle period not and endodermis connected, and not connected to outside, such as Korean pine, cortex matsushima, etc.
Crack born type resin pipe: also called "pervasive" type is located in subepidermal cells and one formed between endodermis separated, such as tropical loose.

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