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Standard nylon hose
The author :Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd source :Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd Published time :2011-4-21 

Nylon hose product material: nylon (PA6 polyamide)

Working temperature: ℃ ~ + 40 ℃ short can reach + 125 ℃ 140

Product certification: European environmental SGS: SH6134468 / CHEM

Nylon hose and appearance and internal constitutive: all wavy

Yan color: black, other colors you can order (according to the need can be openings)

Special sex: it has good flexibility, resist distortion, bending performance is good, can withstand heavier load; Acid, lubricating oil, cooling fluid, etc, the surface luster, friction resistance

Carrying capacity: can withstand the weight of foot, doesn't break, don't form, can quickly restored, without any damage and itself

Areas of application: machinery manufacturing, electrical insulation protection, lighting equipment, automobile manufacture, aviation equipment, subway, train, automation control, etc

Nylon hose use square

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Copy:Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd   Tel:0318-2081028     Fax:0318-2081026  
Mob:13081816512 Add:No. 8, North Xinmin Road, Daliuzhuang Village, High-tech Zone, Hengshui City     E-mail:liujianzhong.a@163.com