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Add:No. 8, North Xinmin Road, Daliuzhuang Village, High-tech Zone, Hengshui City
Removable illumination spiral line cable and leading line cable
publishers :Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd
Release date :2011-4-20
Order phone :0318-2081028
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Removable illumination spiral line cable and leading line cable
Motion illumination spiral line cable and leading line cable is our company`s latest products.In order to realize multifunctional control,we put lots of (11.16.21)multifunctional electric wire is flexible as well,the spotlight can move freely. It is mainly plays the function of illvmination for cars in public security,fire flighting,free road,mine,airdrome and removable lamps and lanterns.
On a product :Air-braking spiral –shaped tube and heptcable spiral
Next product :PP Stick
Copy:Hengshui yupeng Hose.Co.Ltd   Tel:0318-2081028     Fax:0318-2081026  
Mob:13081816512 Add:No. 8, North Xinmin Road, Daliuzhuang Village, High-tech Zone, Hengshui City     E-mail:liujianzhong.a@163.com